School Clubs
Wonderful Wednesday Clubs
At Stow Heath Primary School, pupils access a broad and balanced curriculum during their school day. However, we want to strengthen our curriculum offer further so we have created six ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ clubs in addition to our sports clubs offer. These clubs develop life skills and support their wellbeing. Whilst we value technology and the benefits it has, we also want pupils to recognise the value and joy, other activities can bring them. Children in Years 1-6 will have the opportunity to access all clubs at some point during the academic year.

Aims and Activities
Sewing Club
Aims: Teach pupils how to use different types of stitches so that they can transfer this skill to real life contexts but also as a creative skill to support their wellbeing.
Sample of Activities:
Running stitch
Over stitch
Cross stitch
Use a variety of stitches when creating a product
Environment Club
Aims: Teach pupils about habits, planting and growing and how to look after our environment and planet.
Sample of Activities:
Craft bird feeders
Nature walk / bug hunt / creating bug houses
Planting flower seeds / bulbs
Cress pots
Spreading awareness posters - Looking after our planet!
Litter pick around school grounds
Arts and Crafts Club
Aims: Teach pupils different arts and crafts skills and develop their creativity.
Sample of Activities:
Think Art Attack!
Mindfulness Art Club
Aims: Teach pupils art skills that can calm, relax, and support their wellbeing.
Sample of Activities:
Paint by numbers
Take your pen for a walk
Colour images
Painting to music
Create images and collages using natural materials
Lego Club
Aims: Teach pupils how to follow instructions, focus and concentrate to reach an end goal.
Sample of Activities:
Design and build a house
Construct vehicles
Construct animals and creatures
Construct bridges and landmarks
Construct space themed creations
Be creative!