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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to schools so that disadvantaged pupils can be supported and as a result, close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The school will receive Pupil Premium Grant of £1,480 per child, per annum based on pupils recorded on the school census who are known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years as well as those first known as eligible on the latest school census.


Stow Heath Primary School is committed to promoting the progress and attainment of all its pupils whatever their backgrounds and targets the funding effectively so that all pupils are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Working in partnership with the pupils and their parents, it is the schools aim to achieve this through:


  • Ensuring the best possible delivery of learning experiences in the classroom so that pupils become independent, inquisitive and highly engaged learners.

  • Ensuring that an effective range of group and individual interventions designed to support those with identified needs so that there are no gaps in learning and no pupils fall behind.

  • Providing a rich and varied range of activities designed to engage and motivate pupils so that it raises their aspirations and creates a positive view of learning to enable them to become active members of a community.


The school allocates the expenditure to ensure that children from disadvantaged are supported through providing targeted support and intervention when it is necessary. In examining the progress of every pupil termly through accurate assessment and Pupil Progress meetings, Senior leaders and class teachers look in detail at the development of children from disadvantaged backgrounds including those with other needs. This is then shared with Governors through the Teaching & Learning and the Strategic Leadership Committee so that Governors are kept well informed with how disadvantaged pupils are performing in relation to their peers and how the funding is being allocated. The school ensures consistent good and outstanding teaching practice to enable pupils who are falling behind to catch up quickly as well as ensuring the most-able disadvantaged pupils are stretched further so that each can reach their full potential.


The school acknowledges that there is a need to enable pupils to develop wider skills, talents and experiences through participating in clubs and other extra-curricular activities and that these play an important role to developing the whole child and should be accessible to all. It is for this reason that the school allocates some pupil premium money to pay for and subsidise these activities for those who would not otherwise be able to afford them. This too includes providing these children with the opportunity to attend residential visits to centres such as Kingswood here in Wolverhampton and Robin Wood in Todmorden, Lancashire.

The impact on Pupil Premium pupils is measured at the end of each term although formative assessments are made on a daily basis within lessons by class teachers. Intervention sessions are conducted to ensure misconceptions are addressed quickly. An in-depth analysis of data for each year group is carried out at the end of every term and any issues regarding specific pupils identified. This enables teachers, subject co-ordinators and Senior Leaders to ensure that Pupil Premium resources – including staff - are used effectively, that initiatives are having the desired impact and that changes are made if necessary. It will also ensure that all Pupil Premium children continue to receive the specific support they need in order to achieve their full potential.

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Hill Road Portobello Willenhall WV13 3TT

01902 558820

Headteacher: L Scoffham

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