Stow Heath Primary School follows the curriculum as outlined in the latest version of the EYFS Statutory Framework that applies from September 2021 and the seven key features that shape effective practise in Early Years.
We provide high quality early education for all children. Our inclusive practise provides children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) with the extra support they need so that they can progress well in their learning.
High quality care is consistent, our effective practitioners are responsive to children’s needs and interests. A Language rich environment allows for children to develop higher level communication and language skills. The ambitious curriculum is sequential and builds children’s learning over time.
Effective pedagogy is used to form enabling environments for high-quality play, children experience a mix of group work and independent exploration which is built upon as children progress into Reception.
Accurate assessments are used effectively to understand a child’s development, these are used to move learning forwards and can highlight the need for extra support for children with special educational needs.
Self-regulation and executive function skills are developed through language and pretend play. In order for children to learn how to focus their thinking, persist and plan ahead.
Strong parent partnerships are made, ensuring that every parent has the opportunity to give clear information about their child’s progress.